Wednesday 23 November 2011

October 12, 2011

Today is the day that will change my life forever. I am 7 and a half months pregnant and have not been feeling good for the past few days now. I thought that I should visit the doctor this morning, seeing as how this is my first child and I have no clue what is the norm. Doctor says that my blood pressure is through the roof and he will be sending me to the hospital today to do some more testing. I am not really scared as I thought that this might just be routine and I still have 6 weeks to go before my due date.  At the hospital,I am hooked up to a bunch of machines and have my blood work done. A few hours later, a nurse appears and starts explaining to me that my baby might be spending some time in the NICU. Now, I think, this is the appropriate time to start to worry, panic and be scared. A doctor appears and tells me that I have HELLP syndrome and that baby needs to come out tonight so that I will not suffer from a seizure or stroke. I have no clue what this syndrome even is and wish I could find out more about it before my baby is born. I am told that I will be having a c-section in the next few hours and baby will be born before midnight tonight. I do not even know what to think.... everything is happening so fast and I cannot believe in less than 4 hours I will be a mother to a beautiful baby. My life will change tonight!

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